About Us

EZGovOpps delivers an in-depth view of the government procurement landscape.

After many years of exhaustive research about the current market intelligence tools that were the dominant players in this arena, there are several common thoughts with all the federal government contractors we interviewed before EZGovOpps actually became EZGovOpps. Why is market intelligence so expensive? Why do the current available tools not think like a small business with some of the provided intel? Why is the data integration not portraying a picture that both my team and I can truly understand ? These questions, quite frankly kept me as the President of EZGovOpps up late at night for many years as to why solutions have never been provided for the government contractor to truly give them the competitive edge.

In 2008, EZGovOpps was created with the sole objective to be a game changer in the ever evolving world of market intelligence. Market Intelligence has always been considered a true “luxury” to government contractors who could actually afford to purchase this valuable intel.

Some of the differentiators that our tool provides our customers involve many different arenas. After receiving tremendous feedback in our early years of development, we segmented the overall thought of “Opportunities into two segmented modules or buckets if you will. Our “Opportunities/Solicitations” are placed in one unique module and our “Contracts/Re-Competes/Pre Forecasted RFP’s” data collection and integration is in another module. Instead of not knowing immediately if there was an incumbent involved with a particular “Opportunity/Solicitation”, you now know immediately if this “Opportunity/Solicitation” has never hit the street before by the searching of that particular module. Knowing that time management is one of the most critical components of market intelligence, finding data points and experiencing the integration of that very data means the most to you and your team is our top priority. One of the other game changers that our tool provides that no other tool in this space provides is the ability to manage the process in a completely integrated proposal management platform. Knowing members, owners wear countless hats and always have a need to manage the proposal process, the EZGovOpps offering and integration of this unique platform provides the ultimate time management for the entire team.

Contractors with a deep understanding of the federal market place understand the value of “Market Intelligence” and the unique advantages it provides them and their team. Utilizing technology and methodologies that the current players in this space have failed to offer, has provided EZGovOpps the ultimate opportunity to truly be a “difference maker” for our ever expanding client base. Using the most intuitive platform ever created in the market intelligence arena, provides users from every skillset to drill down to unchartered levels of data and yield analytics never achieved before.

We welcome you and your team to give our product a “test drive” and see for yourself why EZGovOpps is literally the talk of social media nationally and a game changer for any federal government contractor.


Jamie Bratten

President, EZGovOpps

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