Awardees Selected for USPTO BOSS Opportunity

This past Friday, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) selected awardees for its 10 year, 2-billion-dollar Business Oriented Software Solutions (BOSS) opportunity (solicitation number ACQ-20-0775, originally ACQ-19-1870 to). The following five companies were...

Changes to the SBA’s Mentor Protégé Program

The Small Business Association’s (SBA) Mentor Protégé Program has been widely used as joint ventures (JV) in government contracting become more prevalent. For anyone not familiar, the program uses approved large businesses as mentors to assist smaller protégé...

IRS Proceeding with $2.6B EDOS IT Services GWAC

The IRS plans to combine the administration of a portion of its mission critical systems into a single governmentwide acquisition vehicle (GWAC) with a ceiling of $2.6 billion and a performance period of seven years. The task order is a one-year base ordering period,...

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