GSA STARS III Third Cohort of Awardees Released for IT Contract

GSA STARS III Third Cohort of Awardees Released for IT Contract 6-20-22 The General Services Administration (GSA) has announced the third cohort of awardees for the fourth-generation 8(a) Streamlined Technology Acquisition Resource for Services, aka STARS III GWAC....

Government Low Interest Loans for Small Businesses via SBA

Government Low Interest Loans for Small Businesses via SBA 6-10-22 Running a small business has had its share of uncertainty over the past couple of years. Between record inflation, wavering public demand, increasing interest rates on loans, and difficulties with...

How to Find Federal Government Contracts the Easy Way

How to Find Federal Government Contracts the Easy Way 6/3/2022 Much of what the federal government does is outsourced to companies that specialize in whatever products or services they happen to need. There are many rules and regulations that have been adopted for the...

FY2023 Projected Federal Contracts from the White House

FY2023 Projected Federal Contracts from the White House 6/2/22 The latest Federal FY2023 budget information from the Biden Administration gives us a good overview of how the federal government will be allocating future funds. The figures below reflect the proposed...

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