Diverse requirements in the GSA FY18 Forecast

Diverse requirements in the GSA FY18 Forecast

GSA Headquarters (Courtesy of Cliff via Flickr) Part of our FY18 Forecast series. The General Services Administration (GSA) has the mission to “deliver the best value in real estate, acquisition, and technology services to government and the American people.” The...
State Department FY18 Focus: Construction and IT

State Department FY18 Focus: Construction and IT

Construction of the U.S. Diplomacy Center at DOS Headquarters in 2015. (via DOS) Continuing our FY18 Forecast series, EZGovOpps is now focusing on some of the major opportunities due in 2018 for the Department of State (DOS). With construction, IT, and security...
NASA FY18 Forecast: Expect Construction Contracts

NASA FY18 Forecast: Expect Construction Contracts

John H. Glenn Research Center (GRC) at Lewis Field, in Cleveland, Ohio. (via NASA) Continuing our FY18 Forecast series, EZGovOpps is now focusing on some of the major opportunities due in 2018 for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Multiple NASA...
DOE wants large technical and admin contracts in FY18

DOE wants large technical and admin contracts in FY18

Clean-up of legacy materials at Los Alamos National Laboratory, a location run by the most current M&O partnership contract since 2006. (DOE via Flickr) After covering forecasts for large agencies like the Department of Justice and the Social Security...
DOJ Forecast: Major Contracts from BOP, USMS in FY18

DOJ Forecast: Major Contracts from BOP, USMS in FY18

DOJ Headquarters (Photo via Ken Lund/Flickr) With a number of Federal law enforcement agencies under its administration, the Department of Justice (DOJ) has a  number of large opportunities in its FY18 forecast. After covering the forecasts for agencies like USAID and...

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