Building a Business Development Pipeline

Building a Business Development Pipeline

As a part of our guide to small business contracting, we emphasized that you should not rely on the “throw things at the wall and see what sticks” kind of business development strategy, especially after going through all of the steps necessary to get your business...
Contract Action Types

Contract Action Types

Tony Baumann describes the contracting process at Robins Air Force Base (via DOD). With the millions of data entries that EZGovOpps offers, both new and seasoned Federal contractors alike may find some difficulty in understanding the many different contract action...
How Human Intelligence and Networking Pays Off

How Human Intelligence and Networking Pays Off

Industry partners and SEWP are seen at the 2016 AFITC Conference.(via DOD) Following our small business contracting guide, EZGovOpps wanted to hone in a particularly important tip that we gave: the value of networking, and the contracting intelligence you can gain...
Vendors and Buyers All Begin Utilizing eBuy

Vendors and Buyers All Begin Utilizing eBuy

eBuy provides an array of benefits concerning state, federal and local agencies that aren’t available from any other provider. It is essentially common knowledge at this point that the job market has grown exponentially in the past year. Especially after the beginning...
Place of Performance and Contracting Opportunities

Place of Performance and Contracting Opportunities

Photo by Marc Levin via Creative Commons When talking to new businesses seeking Federal contracting opportunities, EZGovOpps is often asked about searching by a “Place of Performance.” While targeting opportunities by geographic preference can be productive, there are...

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