NITAAC is an Executive Agent established through NIH for the purpose of federal IT procurement. (Courtesy of NIH)

In prior articles, EZGovOpps has covered the history and advantages of Government-Wide Acquisition Contracts (GWACs) including NASA SEWP – Solutions for Enterprise-Wide Procurement – and Chief Information Officer – Solutions and Partners 3 Small Business (CIO-SP3 SB). Recently, the NIH Information Technology Acquisition and Assessment Center (NITAAC) announced new, lower contract access fees for agencies to use the GWAC, as well as a fee cap of $70,000 for any order in excess of $20 million through the CIO-CS vehicle.

CIO-SP3 SB – A Successful Small-Business Vehicle

CIO-SP3 SB, the small-business vehicle and one of 3 vehicles in the CIO-SP3 program, was created “to provide custom information technology (IT) solutions and services from small businesses across 5 socioeconomic categories.” This vehicle has already seen great success since its original awarding in 2012, with many small businesses outgrowing their SB status in the course of providing CIO-SP3 services. In an effort to grow the SB GWAC’s use even more, NITAAC has lowered the contract access fees from .75% all the way down to .55%. This, combined with a 2016 on-ramp opportunity for more small businesses to join CIO-SP3, is being seen as an effort by NITAAC to compete with other GWACs like SEWP, as well as GSA’s IT Schedule 70, which has not seen a fee cap reduction in over a decade.

CIO-SP3 is continuing to pick-up steam as a competing GWAC, with the Department of Veteran’s Affairs announcing in 2016 the decision to use CIO-SP3 for the VA “Enterprise Cloud Services for IT Infrastructure Modernization,” in part because NITAAC included Health IT as a specific service area in the GWAC. Other service areas include:

  1. Chief Information Officer (CIO) Support
  2. Imaging
  3. Outsourcing
  4. IT Operations and Maintenance
  5. Integration Services
  6. Critical Infrastructure Protection and Information Assurance
  7. Digital Government
  8. Enterprise Resource Planning
  9. And Software Development

As Health IT continues to grow as an industry, and more agencies begin to look for cloud services, CIO-SP3 will present a major opportunity for small businesses looking to take advantage of these growing Federal IT trends. Although the NITAAC e-GOS portal is not accessible to the public, companies who missed the latest CIO-SP3 SB on-ramp opportunity can still utilize EZGovOpps in searching for task order reporting, prime contract holders, and exclusive program updates, allowing for teaming opportunities and better intel for future on-ramp openings.

Don’t forget to view our full GovCon News section for more intel.

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