EPA awards 11 for EARTH Support Services BPA worth $5.7B


Of the thirteen businesses that applied for a seat on the EARTH (Environmental, Analytical, Research, Technical, and Hybrid) Support Services BPA (blank purchase agreement), a total of eleven were awarded. The solicitation was released by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Office of Air and Radiation (OAR) just over a year ago in June 2021 and submissions were collected shortly thereafter.

The value ceiling on the 5-year long EARTH BPA is a solid $5.7 billion. The requirements are broad and include professional services to support development of air pollution control programs and methods of limiting radiation exposure.

The BPA’s task areas are operations and communication, data analysis and modeling, environmental research and documentation, science-related testing and quality assurance, and policy and regulation support.

The OAR assists the EPA with key focus areas. These include protecting human health and the environment. It develops national programs, policies, and regulations for regulating air pollution and radiation exposure.

OAR’s mission includes the prevention of pollution, protection from radiation exposure, indoor and outdoor air quality, and energy efficiency. Other areas of regulation include the reduction of industrial air pollution, pollution from vehicles and engines, stratospheric ozone depletion, acid rain, and other general climate change provisions. OAR supports various environmental laws including the Clean Air Act, the Atomic Energy Act, and the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Land Withdrawal Act.


The Federal Procurement Data System notes the awardees as:

Washington DC Environmental Protection

Environmental Protection Agency EPA headquarters, DC. Kristina Blokhin – stock.adobe.com

  • Abt Associates
  • Eastern Research Group
  • Endyna
  • Environmental Engineering & Measurement Services
  • ICF
  • Kapur Energy Environment Economics
  • Research Triangle Institute
  • SC & A
  • The Scientific Consulting Group
  • Trinity Engineering Associates


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