The FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) has been using the eFAST BPA (blank purchasing agreement) for ten years now. Standing for the FAA Accelerated and Simplified Tasks, the contract vehicle allows federal workers to procure various contract types electronically including Firm-Fixed Price, Cost Reimbursable, Time and Materials, Labor Hour, and others. To this date, the program has awarded over $1.5 billion to small businesses.

The 7th open season for eFast is now here, and the FAA is looking for new vendors to apply. The initial process for interested vendors is to fill out the Market Survey on or before July 10th, 2020 and next steps will be provided at a later date. The 2020 draft eFAST MOA (master ordering agreement) is currently available for review. The combined total ceiling amount for all MOAs under eFAST for the entire 15-year period of performance (2010-2024) is $7.4 billion.

eFAST is used to acquire the following services (referred to as labor areas or labor categories within the MOA): air transportation support, business administration and management, research and development, computer/information systems development, computer systems support, documentation & training, engineering services, and maintenance and repair. The primary functions and activities associated with each category, along with the associated NAICS, can be found in the table below:

eFast Chart

eFast chart


For maximum clarity, each of the primary labor categories are services that fall within the scope of individual functional areas. The secondary labor categories are services that support/augment or are otherwise related to the primary category. The FAA has the ability to add new labor categories via the MOA level or at the contract/task order level. The ceiling rates are the highest rates for any new labor category created as a refinement of a general labor category within each functional area. Participating contractors can propose ceiling rates for newly labor created labor categories within the functional areas they are qualified for as needed.

For additional information on the eFAST BPA, the current open season, awardees, task orders, or other associated information, please sign in to your EZGovOpps account and visit this link, or get started with a 5-day trial.

-Bryan Fox

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