On May 17th, the Federal Acquisition Service released a new notice regarding GSA’s planned effort with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to “modernize the Payroll and Work Schedule and Leave Management (WSLM) ecosystem.” With a potential ceiling over $2.5 billion in a 10 to 13 year period of performance, NewPay is shaping up to be a major undertaking for any Schedule 70  contract holders who win the new opportunity, which will require a cloud Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution for federal payroll services.

GSA considers the scope of work to be divided into two pools: solely Payroll SaaS solutions (and the work necessary to integrate those into other government systems), and combined SaaS Payroll and WSLM solutions (and the work necessary to integrate those into other government systems).

The contract will be awarded as a Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) to Schedule 70 contract holders in two specific Special Item Numbers (SINs):

  • Special Item Number (SIN) 132-40: Cloud services. 89 total contract holders, with 37 contract holders specifically for SaaS.
  • Special Item Number (SIN) 132-51: IT Professional Services. 3515 total contract holders.

Schedule 70 has grown in both the number of SINs and the number of scheduleholders, due to programs like GSA’s Making it Easier.

With a phased acquisition approach, GSA is treating this notice as Phase 1 of the procurement process for the new opportunity, deemed the “Screening” phase. Interested scheduleholders from those SINs will be required to submit, through GSA’s eBuy, a maximum 3-page brief which requires the vendor to provide, among other criteria: a SaaS hosting and pricing model, confirmation that the vendor is either the software publisher or a publisher’s “preferred partner”, a solution which maintains a single baseline, which is scalable to over 2.5 million users. Responses are due on June 1st.

Viewing GSA’s Schedule 70 in the EZGovOpps platform.

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