Good news come to those who submitted a proposal to obtain a second chance at the Navy’s potential 10-year, $50 billion SeaPort Next Generation (SeaPort-NxG) professional services contract vehicle.

In the Defense Department’s July 14 award digest, it was announced that new awards went to 600 businesses overall, though the companies’ identities were not provided. There were only 20 companies that missed the cut – now those are some favorable odds!

The first round of awards took place in December 2018 and yielded a similar turnout: 24 firms missed the cut and 1,870 were given awards. There are now nearly 2,500 businesses on the vehicle in total. These businesses will be responsible for providing engineering and program management support, and the 23 operating areas below them.

Just like in 2018, price did not play a role in the admission phase of the SeaPort-NxG contract. Rather, all pricing competition will take place at the task order level.


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