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Subscribing to EZGovOpps at the Silver, Gold, or Platinum level gives you complete access to valuable information obtained by EZGovOpps in-house research analysts for many different opportunities. Discover incumbent information, projected value/scope, original solicitation data on re-competing contracts, and any details provided by contracting officers directly to our analyst team.
Our analyst team read and analyze, on average, between 10-30k supporting documents each day, seven days a week to determine incumbent information, POP, scope, value, etc. They then provide an abbreviated summary of the opportunities when the contracting officers are too brief or lacking in the description, adding identifying keywords to the opportunity so they can be located more readily by our clients. All of these actions by our research team help our clients assess a “go” or “no go” decision on each opportunity rapidly and effectively.
Silver, Gold, and Platinum plans each include the ability to request research directly from our talented research staff should any additional information be needed. Platinum users also receive automatic research for items they add to their File Cabinet daily.