DISA Awards 20 Small Businesses on $17.5B Encore III IT Support Vehicle
11 Sep, 2018 0 Comments
DISA (Defense Information Systems Agency) awarded 20 small business set-aside companies with places on an Encore III IT Contract Support Vehicle which could be worth $17.5B or more. Encore is DISA’s primary vehicle for IT services which include policy/planning, adapting business processes, network and cloud services. The contract would take place over the course of ten years, with a five-year base term and an optional five additional years. The DoD’s (Department of Defense) September 7th web release detailed the DISA...
Change ahead for DUNS System, GSA RFP Released
10 Sep, 2018 0 Comments
In an effort to increase transparency and reduce reliance on the Dun and Bradstreet numbering system, the GSA has released an RFP looking for an alternative. Much to Dun and Bradstreet’s chagrin, I’d imagine, their contract with the GSA ends this year and there is going to be some competition. As you likely already know, the DUNS (Data Universal Numbering System) is the system agencies use to identify contractors, non-profits, grant-recipients and other firms and has been in use since...
$126M Army Satellite Communications Support Contract
04 Sep, 2018 0 Comments
If you’re an IT contractor that specializes in SATCOM (Satellite Communications), there are a number of upcoming opportunities in the space, including DISA’s latest RFI, and this large Army opportunity. This particular solicitation has a scope of $126 million and a length of five years. The requirements include providing facility, sustainment and maintenance support including on-site support to systems. This includes installation of systems, site planning and preparation, warranty, sustainment training, incidental procurement, engineering, depot level support and life-cycle support...
DISA’s New RFI for SATCOM Division Ordering, Management and Awareness
31 Aug, 2018 0 Comments
DISA (Defense Information Systems Agency) has released an RFI for the industry to assist with the development and planning of a potential new requirement. The Satellite Communication (SATCOM) Ordering, Management & Situational Awareness Tools (SOMSAT) arrangement’s purpose is to deliver comprehensive, timely, and secure management. This includes ordering, fulfilment, resource management, account management, configuration management, security management, fault management, and situational awareness. At the moment, these functions are performed with siloed tools and manual processes. DISA would like to move...
Federal Procurement, FY18 Forecasts
Federal Q4 Spending Spree – Where do you Stand?
13 Aug, 2018 0 Comments
All signs are pointing to a huge spending spree by the federal government for this fourth quarter; the Omnibus bill was signed in late March, agencies have been guarded with their spending prior to its passing and now $80B has been obligated for defense and $63B for civilian agencies, the flood gates have been opened! Right? Let’s take a quick look at the historical trends of Q4 spending and apply it to what we know about our current situation to...
SBIR Phase III is a Big Deal for Small Business
03 Aug, 2018 0 Comments
If you’re not familiar, SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research), is a program that was established in statute by the Small Business Innovation Development Act of 1982, which has been reauthorized by Congress on several occasions over the past 36 years. It encourages U.S. small businesses to engage in federal research and development which has potential for commercialization. Sometimes SBIR is also referenced with STTR (Small Business Technology Transfer) which is another related program that expands funding opportunities for federal innovation...
Late Fed Budget Leading to a Fiscal Year End Rush
23 Jul, 2018 0 Comments
With a little over two months left in the government fiscal year and billions of dollars left in agencies pockets, it doesn’t take a genius to tell you that there is going to be quite a bit of contract spending coming up shortly. Given that agencies often spend between 1/3 and 1/2 of contract obligations in the 4th quarter, spending rushes are nothing new, but certain conditions will make it a little more aggressive than usual. Thanks to the Omnibus...
Timetable Revealed for Final Navy NGEN RFP
18 Jul, 2018 0 Comments
NGEN, the Navy’s main IT contract, is one of the most substantial opportunities for IT contractors this year thanks to a government-wide prioritization of updating agencies’ outdated technology. Per a recent presoliciation posting, the final solicitation for NGEN is scheduled for release on July 31st. Bids will be due on (or about) October 31st. The procurement is not a small business set-aside, and will have full and open competition under FAR Part 15. The RFP is for Service, Management, Integration and Transport (SMIT)...
Is a Continuing Resolution Freeze on the F.Y. 2019 Budget Likely?
29 Jun, 2018 0 Comments
If you’re wary that the mid-term elections will throw a monkey wrench in the F.Y. 2019 defense appropriations and authorization bills, you certainly won’t be the only one. The results of the election will greatly influence control of the House, and how many dollars will be earmarked for defense contractors, who are one of the biggest winners from the Trump presidency in terms of dollars and cents. Should we experience a “Blue Wave” and Democrats take control, defense contracts would...
Congressional Action Required for Trump’s Space Force
19 Jun, 2018 0 Comments
Back in June of 2017, the House of Representatives Armed Services Committee moved to change control of space missions to a new military branch (rather than under US Air Force command). Things are now picking up steam with Trump ordering the Pentagon to create this new service branch for space military operations yesterday (6/18/18). This would be the sixth branch of the U.S. armed forces. “We are going to have the Air Force and we are going to have a...